Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Don't FEAR the WRATH of MATH!

Do your students cringe at the thought of problem solving? Do you cringe at the thought of teaching problem solving? In either event, to prepare students for that upcoming math assignment click here.
Students are encouraged to read through and click on the Grade that pertains to them located on the right hand side of the page. Once this has been done, have them click on the Grade 6 icon in the center of the page. Once they have done that there will be a number of different skills that you can have to them practice. Students, you can do this at home with your parents, siblings or with your friends. Hint: Our focus for an upcoming lesson may be on "Charts and Graphs".

If your students are wondering about which expectations this covers in the Ontario Curriculum Standards. By the end of Grade 5, students are to:
  • collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including continuous line graphs.
Most specifically the activity will focus on an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph (i.e., from types of graphs already studied, such as pictographs, horizontal or vertical bar graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, double bar graphs, broken-line graphs, and continuous line graphs)

Curriculum Guidelines can be found at:

This week in Social Studies!

We will be looking at Canada`s Trading Partners. This particular website provides both teachers, parents and students access to information about the major importing and exporting partners of Canada. It allows you to navigate yourself and students to search for information that pertains to a particular country and what they may be importing to or exporting from Canada.  

Teachers can refer students to this site to find out information and use it in a presentation or report.

In grade 6 students will identify and describe Canada’s economic, political, social, and physical links with the United States and other regions of the world; use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate information about the domestic and international effects of Canada’s links with the United States and other areas of the world; and explain the relevance to Canada of current global issues and influences.  If you look in the Curriculum Standards for the Science and Technology Curriculum for Grade 6 you will see that this activity will be covering these specific expectations:

  • identify the countries from which Canada imports goods (e.g., the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, other European countries, Taiwan, South Korea, Mexico)
  • identify some important international organizations/agreements in which Canada participates and describe their purpose (e.g., the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the World Health Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Nations, Francophonie, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation [APEC] association)
Curriculum expectations can be found here

Monday, 23 January 2012

Teacher, Parent, Guardian and Student Resources: Science is super!

Through some research we came across a website that assists in the selecting of science websites teachers and students can look through for different ideas as it pertains to the study of science. Steve Spangler's Science  helps teachers find different resources and students learn more about different hands-on experiments that reflect the Grade level and particular needs of the student. There are also options to purchase materials as needed.

Once your students have explored all the different levels of comprehension for the day. Why not see what would happen if you were to combine baking soda and vinegar?
Science Bob provides teachers with a number of different science activities that they can engage in that reflect the different units of study that students can expect to cover during their stay in elementary school. One final link to be sure to check is located here. The Ontario Science Center lists up date information on upcoming events and activities.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

It's a wonderful RESOURCE....of course....of course!

Class is in session! Today we will share with you a neat little resource for you to enjoy. If you've seen or heard parents, guardians and teachers shout YAHOO! It’s probably because they've come across a great search engine for you. It's pretty easy to use and very kid friendly. Just type in a question and it will find an answer for you or you can search for games to play too. It is called Yahoo Kids and can be found at this link:

Click on the link above and type in what you are looking for in the white bar. It will have a number of different websites that may be useful for you to use.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Hello everyone and welcome to my edublog! I am pleased and enthusiastic about sharing some new, interesting and exciting resources that you can use for your class. Do you feel bored at times and not know how to fill your time? Do you enjoy playing games? Do you like watching videos? Do you enjoy searching the internet? Then are you in for a treat! I hope you find some interesting and helpful aids to use throughout the school year!

Moms, Dads and Teachers, nothing to fear here! As everything shared is kid tested and kid approved.  Any games, activities or experiments posted will reflect the Ontario curriculum standards and what is learned in class. Parents and kids, hold on and enjoy the ride!