Thursday, 23 May 2013

School Uniforms: A Grade 5 assignment (Assessment and Evaluation)

School Uniforms?      

What are the pros and cons of having a school uniform?

Should school uniforms be mandatory in all elementary schools in Ontario?

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected to sit as a member of a parliamentary advisory committee on school uniforms. The committee has been asked to address two key questions:

Would you like to wear a uniform to school?

Should school uniforms be mandatory for elementary students?

As one of the members of the committee you have been asked to represent one of the following: the Parent Association, Student, School Principal, or a Member of Parliament (can be 1 or 2). Leave a space to make it easier to read.

Your task is to create a Bill to be considered by the Ontario provincial legislature. In developing the Bill you must determine whether school uniforms should be mandatory for all students in Ontario. In your submission you must create reasons to support your chosen position. You will report your results as a group with each member of the group stating their arguments for the position he/she holds (E.g. Member of Parliament).

The task has four (4) parts (See instructions for details):

  1. Research as a group using the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of having a school uniform
  2. Take a position based on the results of your research
  3. Design the Bill. Remember a Bill is an outline presented to a legislature, but not passed and made law
  4. As a group develop three (3) questions that will be used would to support why your bill should become law. 
  5. Individually, reflect on your contributions to the group and how it helped you to succeed in developing a bill.


  • 4-5 SHEETS OF 8 ½ X 11
(The attached rubric will also help guide you.)


DESIGN THE BILL: Develop your Bill based on the following information:

  1. Create a name card include your first name, title and what your role on the committee
2.         a.    Using the T-Chart (attached) write ‘school uniforms’ at the top of the page.
b.    Next, write the words ‘pros and cons’ on either the left or right side of the T.
c.    Remember: Keep in mind when you are creating the bill a) pros are for the bill b) cons against the bill
d.    Write pros and cons from different perspective. Contribute four (4) pros and four (4) cons. Take turns after stating your perspective.
e.    Once complete, examine the pros and cons. Does one outweigh the other? 
f.     Take a position for or against school uniforms.

  1. Check-in: Submit your proposal for approval before moving forward.

  1. Develop five (5) arguments to support your position.

  1. Check-in: Submit your arguments before moving forward.

  1. Construct your Bill with your recommendation. Your Bill must be properly formatted according to the following:

                       I.        On one page
                     II.        Have a title
                    III.        Have an appropriate graphic
                   IV.        One strongly worded statement supporting the position taken
                    V.        Your five  (5) arguments (reasons) highlighted

  1. Check-in: Submit your Bill for approval before continuing.

  1. Identify three (3) questions that might be asked in the legislature my members of parliament about your position.

  1. You will need to propose your Bill to the legislature (the class).
Be prepared to answer three (3) questions from the legislature.

  1.  Submit your Bill and your work materials.


How did your group make sure everyone’s point of view was considered?

What questions did you ask when assembling the law included as a resource?

How did you feel about your role in the group activity?


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